Dr. Salah Al-Atili Center

Dr. Salah Al-Atili Center description

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About Us


Dr. Salah began his career in Doha, Qatar, and completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Basra in Iraq, where he specialized in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. He is a member of the Jordanian Society of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery and is also a member of the Jordanian Medical Association. Since graduating from university, he has worked in numerous private clinics and hospitals in Jordan until he decided to open his own clinics in Amman and Zarqa. He came up with the idea of a program that would benefit the community by offering all the good advice in his field, in order to spread the benefit in Jordan and the Arab world. He has performed hundreds of surgeries for patients from within Jordan and from all Arab countries.

Doctor Memberships

  1. Member of the Jordanian Society of Otolaryngology (GMB)
  2. Jordanian Board of Otolaryngology JMB
  3. Member of the American Academy of Surgeons (AAQHNS)
  4. Member of the International Society of Otorhinolaryngology (JAHNS)
  5. Certified teacher at the Faculty of Medicine / The Hashemite University previously
  6. Consultant of ear, nose and throat surgery
  7. Lecturer and doctor at UNRWA previously

Medical Tourism

Treatment and Tourism

About Treatment and Tourism

Medical tourism allows tourists to combine an enjoyable tourist trip with medical treatment at the same time. Medical tourism is a popular option for those who want to conduct medical treatment in a new and different environment, where the patient can recover and relax simultaneously. Medical tourism provides the opportunity for patients to receive the necessary medical care in places with a high level of luxury and comfort, which adds positivity to the healing process and increases the chances of success in treatment. Medical tourism also provides the opportunity for patients and their families to explore new countries and experience different cultures and rituals, which makes treatment an enjoyable and beneficial experience at the same time.

About Treatment Only

Dr. Salah Al-Atili Center is pleased to announce the tourism and treatment services at the same time. He understands that the treatment process and the recovery phase can be a source of fear and anxiety for the patient, so he provides coordination of arrival from the airport, in addition to tourism services that will enable the patient to enjoy the trip and relieve the stress caused by the treatment. The center team will stay with the patient from the moment of his arrival until his departure from the airport. All services are secured, and the patient can now enter his data and he will be contacted to arrange all travel and treatment matters in full. We are sure that you will be happy with your visit to Jordan, as your treatment process will become much easier with us, and will no longer be a source of fear and anxiety.

Treatment Only

The center includes several departments

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Department of Pronunciation and Communication

The main goal of the specialization in speech and speech is to solve many problems that children and even adults suffer from, and they are addressed through the processes of communication and understanding with others, which are often related to the perceptual, linguistic and vocal aspects, in addition to the verbal and auditory aspects as well.

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Department of Audiology

It includes examinations of the auditory cerebral nerve for newborns and an examination of the cochlea and vestibules under the supervision of audiologists. The center is keen to follow all patients very carefully. There are advanced medical headphones, the latest science findings, with high quality, so that patients can enjoy hearing their loved ones.

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Mini operating room

Minor operations are done here under local anesthesia, such as the presence of any mass or problem in the nose, ear, and face, where the above-mentioned areas are removed, sutured, restored, or beautified, as well as some minor operations such as infections, abscesses, and ear problems, such as making a drum in this section, and there are special and high-quality surgical tools Sterilization and distinguished medical staff, including nurses and doctors

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Sinus section

The sinus department is concerned with advanced operations in the sinuses, sinus endoscopy in operations, and follow-up of patients inside the clinic after the operation, including endoscopic devices and cleaning the sinuses inside the clinic. Of course, it is performed for patients who suffer from chronic sinus infections, fevers, and shortness of breath. What has been learned in this field

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Endoscopy department with the latest equipment

Endoscopy Department There are several types of endoscopy, sinus endoscopy, laryngoscopy, and nasopharyngeal endoscopy. This section uses modern equipment, the latest in science, professional endoscopy, and provides comfort for the patient to diagnose throat diseases such as polyps, lumps, or even tumors and causes of throat diseases, hoarseness, and endoscopy. Sinuses to find out the causes of adenoids, deviation of the septum, and nasal conjunctiva

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Rhinoplasty Department

It specializes in treating injuries and fractures that the patient is exposed to on the nose and congenital deformities such as the cleft lip and the deviation of the nasal septum external and internal and functional diseases such as shortness of breath and enlargement of the nasal concha WhatsApp or by calling

Surgeries that are performed in the clinic

why choose us
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    Rhinoplasty Department

    Cleft lip surgeries, external and internal nasal septal deviation, enlarged nasal concha, and rhinoplasty are performed here.

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    Endoscopy department with the latest equipment

    All types of endoscopy of the nose, ear, polyps and septal deviation are performed here

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    Sinusitis section

    It deals with advanced sinus operations, sinus endoscopy, and follow-up of patients

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    Mini operating room

    Operations are performed under local anesthesia, including suturing, restoration and plastic surgery


Frequently Asked Questions

The sinuses are 4 cavities in the head that are connected by narrow channels. The sinuses make thin mucus that comes out of the nasal passages, and this drainage helps keep the nose clean and free of bacteria.

Sinusitis is an infection that can cause them to become blocked and filled with fluid. It is usually caused by a common cold or allergy. Infection can occur as a result of the obstruction

The ethmoid sinuses are located between your eyes The maxillary sinuses are located just below your eyes The sphenoid sinuses are located behind your eyes The frontal sinuses are located above your eyes The largest sinus cavity is the jaw cavity

Acute bacterial sinusitis Chronic sinusitis Subacute sinusitis Recurrent acute sinusitis

Colds. Nasal and seasonal allergies. Polyps. Deviated nasal septum Weakened immune system from disease or medications. smoking

Nasal drip where mucus drips down the throat. Nasal secretions. stuffy nose Facial pressure around the nose, eyes and forehead. headache. teeth pain. Pain in the ears. Bad breath. cough. Tired. Fever.

Decongestants. Over-the-counter cold and allergy medications. Rinse the nose with saline. Drink fluids.

See your doctor, and your doctor may prescribe: oral or topical decongestants, antibiotics. Prescription steroid nasal sprays. (Don't use over-the-counter sprays or drops for longer than 3 to 5 days, as they can actually make congestion worse.)

Although it doesn't happen often, untreated sinusitis can be life-threatening by causing meningitis or infection of the brain, eyes, or nearby bones. Meningitis is an infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord

Sinusitis may lead to pain in the ears.

Sinusitis may cause pressure or pain around the eyes

Sometimes the reason is just a delay in the development of speaking skill, and the child will continue to learn how to speak on his own Other times, there may be special problems that require investigation and treatment

Difficulty learning to pronounce Motor speech disorders Speech apraxia in children Hearing loss that causes a child to make sounds incorrectly Structural problems, such as a cleft palate

The verbal component is pronunciation

1- Pay attention to the sounds around the child and motivate the child to imitate them. 2- Use gestures and gestures to communicate with the child 3- Motivate the child to respond to the pictures 4- Use easy words and short sentences

Cases of removal of the tonsils and adenoids, puncture of the eardrums, placement of tubes, and laryngoscopy using a microscope

Tympanoplasty, septal correction, cauterization of the nasal corneas, sinus endoscopy, and rhinoplasty

Cochlear implants, some neck operations, removal of the larynx in some cases of cancerous tumors, salivary gland operations, straightening the uvula, and the palate for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea

Eardrum grafting through the ear canal without external incisions. Mastoid bone cleaning in cases of purulent inflammation Reconstruction of the ossicles of hearing to improve hearing Replace the great stirrup with an artificial bone

Endoscopic opening and cleaning of the sinuses. Laparoscopic removal of adenoids and adenoids. Endoscopic stop of posterior nosebleeds. Endoscopic treatment of cerebrospinal fluid runny nose. Treatment of tear duct obstruction

Conductive hearing loss (including the outer or middle ear) Sensorineural hearing loss (including the inner ear) Mixed hearing loss (combines the two types)

Aging and permanent exposure to loud sounds in hearing loss. Other factors, such as excess earwax, can temporarily reduce how well your ears hear sounds.

Difficulty understanding words, especially with background noise or crowds Trouble hearing consonants Repeating a request to speak more slowly, clearly, and loudly than others The need to turn up the volume of the TV

If you experience sudden hearing loss, especially in one ear, seek medical advice immediately

Inner ear damage Gradual buildup of earwax Ear infection, abnormal bone growth, or tumors ruptured eardrum (tympanic membrane perforation)

The pediatric otolaryngology team has extensive experience caring for children with serious medical and surgical conditions

Problems with breathing and airway, feeding and swallowing, voice and speech, face and skull, nose and sinuses, sleep, fetal problems, head and neck tumors.

Ear, nose and throat disorders can be distressing in children and cause distress and anxiety for those caring for them as well

mucous serous otitis media, recurrent ear infections Delayed speech and cochlear implants Chronic tonsillitis Birth defects: fistula in front of the earlobe, and cervical fistula Neck lumps and tumors Protruding ears surgery

We use the latest and most advanced copulation techniques for ENT surgeries.

Rhinoplasty is one of the operations that advances cosmetic operations, as it is the most important operation for surgeons at the present time, so this section is in constant development

It is not only limited to reducing or enlarging the size of the nose, but also with the aim of reshaping the tip of the nose (the tip of the nose) again.

It provides correction for deviations inside the nose, and it corrects the nasal cavity, which is known as the heterogeneous concavities in it. It treats the external part of the nose, and gives it beauty.

Trying to understand the psychological state of the patient who comes to him for the purpose of rhinoplasty, from the first meeting with the person during the examination, listening to the patient and knowing his requests and expectations

The operation is performed under general anesthesia in order for the surgeon to feel completely comfortable while performing the operation. However, if the operation is to correct the deviation of the septum, then local anesthesia is sufficient

In the protruding ear operation, the angles of the ear are modified, the ear is brought closer to the head, and if necessary, the size of the ear can be reduced by a certain amount as well

Traditional ear reduction surgery, which is often done for adults under general anesthesia. Non-surgical ear correction in which doctors implant a flexible metal rod under the skin of the ear pinna to pull the pinna toward the head.

Do not take caffeine before the operation because it affects anesthesia. Tell the doctor about any medications the patient is taking. Stop smoking for a period before the operation

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